
Welcome to the new and re-designed Zelda site.
This is not the definitive design, but at least it's nicer than the other page that was on.


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Last News

  Release date for Zelda-Gaiden
Finnally, Nintendo has given a release date for the new Zelda, known as "Zelda Gaiden". You can find more information about this and other news in the Nintendo web site.

  About the site
We're re-making the site, with a new design, new colors and new everything. But it takes time, and believe it or not, both of the webmasters had LIVES. Andrea is traveling very often to Buenos Aires, and Myra is busy with commisions. If you want a good site, you'll have to wait. We'll keep you updated.

I'm not associated with Nintendo in any way. Zelda is a registered mark of Nintendo Of America
You cant use ANY part of this site without my written permission (and that includes graphics, text, and information).
The Message Board